Monday, 24 August 2015

Phase 2 - Week 5

Things I've learned about UE4 Blueprints

  • Very similar to the user friendly visual coding style of grasshopper
  • I like the visualisation and the ability to view from different angles before finalising a script
  • The ability to make reusable elements through blueprints will be very useful
  • The number of tools available is overwhelming, but I am confident in being able to understand a fair amount soon
  • A clearer explanation of what the tool does would be helpful (grasshopper does this well)

Grasshopper Script Relating to Terminal Lines

I like generating random numbers and geometry through grasshopper. Here is a quick script I created based around the theory of terminal lines.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Phase 01 - Submission

The data I chose to represent is the level of Federal government funding per year for the homeless and the amount of profit the pubs, clubs, taverns and bars make per year ($110,000,000 and $784,200,000 respectively).

I chose to place the particles for homeless funding on the site and the pubs, clubs, taverns and bars profit around the pub. Each particle source represents $10,000,000.

Link to model on dropbox:


Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006, Clubs, Pubs, Taverns and Bars, Australia, 2004-05, Cat. no. 8687.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.

Borrello, E, McDonald, S 2015, 'Scott Morrison gives homelessness groups two-year, $230 million funding exxtension', ABC News, 23.03.15, accessed 11.08.15, <>

Monday, 3 August 2015

Week 1

5 Things Learned About Unreal Engine 5

  1. User control: The use of the "wasd" controls. Typical of gaming and rendering software e.g. Lumion. Simple to use. The requirement to click a mouse button seems unnecessary.
  2. UCS: Similar to other software I have used, in particular, Autodesk products. Easy to control and understand.
  3. Content browser: Slightly different to other software and with a large range of downloadable content.
  4. Characters: Ability to place characters is unlike any software I have used. I am still unsure of the necessity of this feature for architectural purposes.
  5. Real time viewer: Similar to Lumion and Neon Render in Rhino. Very helpful for accurate visualisation.